Thursday, October 20, 2011

Just human // Curtains fall.

hoho my first mandarin video? [:

Sure.. i am happy like most of the time.. like perhaps... 300 days in a year?
still it is needless to have days like these , these kind of traps i walked in by my own default. silly choices i make that when the emotions takes over, my body shivers with goosebumps. Worse thing is, i feel like i am sorry for all of this, no.. not of the ways you are, but for getting myself into this. i should know better. Breathe amanda, breathe. You are just merely human, these days are meant to remind you that you are capable of other emotions beside being jovial. Almost amused that i can possibly feel these sort of feelings. haahahahah, okay.. w h a t e v e r
its always the nights thats a bit much more difficult to get thru. but it does gets better, that i know for a fact. not easy though when my body feels as though its missing some parts.


Ps: I had an amazing day at work, like so amazing it reminded me of why i even picked this industry in the first time. that adrenaline rush, that high i reached at work... made all of this 1 year 2 weeks so worth slogging for. It was amazing, was so happy till night engraved me. But, i was insanely thrilled. (: Finally. Thank God. (:

PPS: Had an amazing dinner with dennis sim , my bro, my colleague, who didnt get annoyed with me rumbling for two days straight, and even, still had an amazing tasteful awesome dinner. Appreciate it bro, blog it wit photos soon. I am very lucky to have friends like these.


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