Sunday, January 2, 2011 - the pains of being pure at heart.

So hello new year, goodbye 2010.
With a new year, fresh start, clean slate,
i am burden with a heart that's hopeful,
that this year will be a better year then 2010.

2010 was epic in many years of its own.
Many new friends, bonds getting tighter, drifting from some, new hearts were broken and loved,
new relationships were forged, past relations were revisited, new found emotions and thoughts.
new fears of lost, frustrations with something i cannot do anything about, but nevertheless
I am thankful to God for alot of things in 2010.
Of both new & old

* Graduating relatively well, of course i could have done much better but I did graduate
* Sherry's family & mine family getting along well, doing dinners and christmas together
* Finding a new job and getting used to the hours and routine that it brought along
* Going to thailand with my uni mates and having a good chill out trip
* Hitting the gym every week ( cept for those some weeks in between missings )
* Running my first run
* Lost & found my love for books, thus buying and spending tons on books
* Got myself an iphone
* Got myself an mac book pro
* New found ambitions
* sherilyn leaving to uk
* making my first online friend into my real life true warm blooded buddy
* i am thankful that thru this year, my family just got closer, we love each other a bit more, all 4 of us are up & healthy!
* my groupie that is still around and making me laugh so much my tummy ache , that much i am thankful
* two of the boys gg to army, sniff sniff, all grown up. when the rest goes in, melly & i will have never ending stories about the army, but we will have ourselves our tiny little army ((((: , that makes me grin wide!
* those number of boys that came & went their ways
* So all in all, i am a heart full of million thankfulness.

This year though sigh, as awesome as i am, mistakes are bound to happen, hearts are gg to be broken , lives are going to change , new mountains to hike up & down , tears are gg to be rolling but! ah hahahaha, it can only be , bigger , better , then the last coupled with ten thousand bagfuls of laughters & rainbows.

The world is so big, there's so much to do , so much, to go and explore, things waiting to be discovered.
I never want to be 50 and lose the passion for life.
No doubt , sometimes you feel enslaved to the neccesscities of life, like work, but remember! though the sky might be cloudy or cleaer, the sun always rise from the east, your parents will always love you, the people you didnt get as family thru blood = friends, those who loves you, will always stand by you. Set your eyes on something high up there baby , its all yours for the taking.

This year, this year, I will make peace with the bitterness i have in my heart, with people i have lost, with truths that i have held back, for injustices i have suffered and tried to reason out for the sake of peace, i will make peace so i can breathe easier. I shant be lazy with the battle of those emotions of words cause at the end, the war will trumiph and my heart will be lifted.

~ Do you think you could love me?
Do you think you could never leave me?
Do you think that you could love me like i have never been loved before?
Do you think that you could awake this battered heart and make do with its broken sharp edges?
Even a willow doesnt stand alone for centuries.

Goodnight lovelies.
God i hope for this coming year, things will only get better, dreams will get fulfilled and work load is not too crazy for me to handle.


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