I've got it all, but I feel so deprived I go up, I come down and I'm emptier inside Tell me what is this thing that I feel like I'm missing And why can't I let it go
There's gotta be more to life... Than chasing down every temporary high to satisfy me Cause the more that I'm... Tripping out thinking there must be more to life Well it's life, but I'm sure... there's gotta be more Than wanting more
I've got the time and I'm wasting it slowly Here in this moment I'm half way out the door Onto the next thing, I'm searching for something that's missing
i'm wanting more I'm always waiting on something other than this Why am I feelin' like there's something I missed.
~ just a phase, I wil get pass it. Or maybe I just need to find a passion, find something that excites me, something worth fighting for .
Enjoyed beancurd time with raju gopal tonight, missed you! (:
Story time! I used to attend school at 7am, which means I wake up at 6am. Then I would get to school , put on my naughty face and have fun. All day long till 5pm. From wearing kappa shit shoe to north star cool ass sneaks. And then I'll head home, do dins and homework then snooze at unearthly hour around 3am. Usually on the phone with melody loy mei shi, laughing about something relatively retarded that makes no sense at all. But we laugh so hard, we just cramp haha. Then it's back to school again, waking upa t 6am, dressing and going to school as though we were the coolest shit ever. Stalking boys our age, stalking boys 2 freaking years younger then us, being stalked.. hahahaha joke. And, good years.
- Year 2002 - Year 2006
I used to attend lectures at 8.30am , that means I gotta be up at 7am. Then I would share the transport with million of other people's butt squeezing in my face every lovely morning. I would get to school, grab snacks, sneak to the freezing lecture room and then try my best to literally stay awake while listening to the monotone of the foreign lecturer go on and on about his credits and how Economics is the best thing that ever happened to him. Then after my lecture, I would head to the place where they serve one of my favourite food ever. Then we would slurp on noodles or rice, chitty chatty all the way through. Even before projects or exams were nearing , we were always at some bench during the first few weeks trying so hard to do constant revision. But as we all know, hahaha it takes so much more then effort. After awhile, we were sneaking off after lunch. However, before we know it, projects came slapping on our left cheek, exams and tests were slapping on our right. We were camping on benches again, lectures, fooooood! , bench/library/lecture room/starbucks . And day in day out, we spend hours and hours in school. And then, I graduated. ( honestly, a tad shock face emotion would be good here )
Year 2010 - May.
July 2010
After results were being released, I for one, of course was elated and excited that hey, a new chapter is about to begin. I took off and went around for a couple of short holidays here and there. Gym constantly, party constantly, and bum around so much. I took up a events job before I start my supposedly real job in the bank. 3 weeks into the job, every day I wake up at 8am, squeeze my giganto ass into the train , getting to work with eyes barely opened. Sit at my desk, do my work , sometimes I get to go on field trips , riding the train up and down. Still, every Monday and Wednesday I faithfully hit the gym, tired myself out. I get off work at supposedly 6pm but oh come on, that hardly ever happens. Then I drag myself back to the train to squeeze my pretty ass with everyone's.
So basically, all I do is, sit my ass down, do my work, talk a bit, laugh a tad, and i am fucking tired.
Okay that's the main point of this crazy long ridiculous pointless post. I do not understand how I can be so much more tired working then being in school. I feel like I used up more energy being in school, from listening to lectures, writting notes, processing the information, bouncing all around from point North to point South, chatty and chitty all day long so much, running up and down the stairs , actually studying , slogging my books and notes all around.
how can all of that dont tire me out as much as sitting down , using microsoft ppt/word/excel , making phone calls , drafting proposals? Look at the difference of things I gotta do.
darn. if this is how work is going to be like. I call tis first that I detest it.
Okay, now I'm going to work.
Urgent need to find outlet, place of tranquility and comfort. or it could be a living thing?
haha didnt i just made most of you girlies smile at this photo? hahah!
How the time passed away all the trouble that we gave And all those days we spent out by the lake Has it all gone to waste? All the promises we made, One by one they vanish just the same.
Of all the things I still remember Summer's never looked the same The years go by and time just seems to fly But the memories remain. In the middle of September we'd still play out in the rain Nothing to lose but everything to gain Reflecting now on how things could've been It was worth it in the end Now it all seems so clear, there's nothing left to fear
So we made our way by finding what was real Now the days are so long that summer's moving on We reach for something that's already gone
Of all the things I still remember Summer's never looked the same The year's go by and time just seems to fly But the memories remain. In the middle of September we'd still play out in the rain Nothing to lose but everything to gain Reflecting now on how things could've been
It was worth it in the endWe knew we had to leave this town But we never knew when we never knew how We would end up here the way we areY eah we knew we had to leave this town But we never knew when and we never knew how Of all the things I still remember Summer's never looked the same The years go by and time just seems to fly But the memories remain. In the middle of September we'd still play out in the rain Nothing to lose but everything to gain Reflecting now on how things could've been It was worth it in the end.
~ People with an expiry date stamp on to their forehead.
Hello people, it's friday and I am having one of the best moods ever like ever. Happy soul me. Oh wells anyways! Yesterday night I finally met Sherry and of course Richard who recently just came back from Denmark plus his girly. How sweet ahaha. Anyways so we had Carls Junior and bought tickets for Inception
Okay it is going to get a tad extreme. Inception is freaking incredible, like mind blowing good like crazy good. it was like close to 2 hours 45 minutes, but every second of the movie, was mind absorbing and u would be drawn to it from the very first minute. Intense from beginning till the end. It wasnt as though the movie was unpredictable but it was moving so fast from here and there that you didnt have time to process and then to predict what was the next scene or idea. It was brilliant. That 2 hours 45 minutes was well spent. Pretty much the best movie I ever watched, such creative original idealogy , outstanding cast and brilliant set. It has every element, creative , thrilling , love , suspense , and a smart movie.
Okay hahaha gotta stop raving. You should all go watch it. now now now (:
Though shall not be whoopy & weak and allow red pumping to flutter far. Thrills and do not over think it. lately been a bit stress, sometimes from work sometimes from my dad. I know I need to get my act together and I realized it is so easy to fall into a routine motion and then get used to it. I guess people leave places when they do not get enough satisfaction and all but for me, i guess i havent even find my niche, being in a safe place seems much more logical for me. I miss doing nothing but just reading at starbucks and falling into steps with a person beside me. Im twenty, there is so many things I have yet to do, yet to experience, I am not rushing and I am not in need of it but who am I kidding? Since I last checked , I am still every part , just a human. Issues lies with me and just me, or maybe just it isnt my turn just yet. Soon though, scary to go but I will definitely take up the challenge, gotta move forward gotta try . Gotta go for prep talks and get over all those silly fears, cause nothing can get you down sweetie. Brace yourself mandy.
Oh no, the club cant even handle me right now. (:
funny stuffs.
say hi from the office (: hahahaha. Finally going for a movie and then dinner with Sherry & Richard. (:
Sigh I got the sniffles since last week, intense late night since soccer existed in my life , drinking and partying, mingling, booty and laughing till my tummy aches. Plus actually being responsible and waking up for work. Oh my goodyness, I am aging. Was complaining to my mumsy that how do normal working people manage, they end work probably around 6pm, what about those in example, banking/event industries? they stay in their office till what? 9pm, 10pm? what happened to dinner with family or gym time? sigh, i am determine not to bring work home, thus me refusing to open my microsoft outlook account when I am home.
Okay enough whining, i stayed up watching my SPAIN bringing the win home, so I am crazy tired. And my phone is driving me nutty, the keypad, it's kooky. New phone new phone!!
Gotta run mandydoll, your race is coming up soon!
Slow down and relax, book coffee shopping movie, coming up soon.
But, it's who your gg to do it with that matters, even if there isnt anyone, oh please I am dragging you out with me ANNABELLE HO SHUFEN (:
I cannot believe WORLDCUP IS OVER :( Okay, gotta crash lovelies.
Hello lovelies, I have been working lately , so tiring but still worth it to certain extend haha. Oh wells, anyways im off to Redang tomorrow, im tired much now, but i am happy to go and relax. so I am going to crash soooo, remember much love.
Happy moments with missing links.
I kicked a stupid cement road, and i broke toe nail damn painful.
I came to dance, dance, dance, dance I hit the floor 'Cause that's my, plans, plans, plans, plans I'm wearing all my favorite Brands, brands, brands, brands Give me space for both my hands, hands, hands, hands Ye, ye Cause it goes on and on and on And it goes on and on and on
I throw my hands up in the air sometimes Saying AYO! Gotta let go! I wanna celebrate and live my life Saying AYO!
Baby, let's go! 'Cause we gon' rock this club We gon' go all night We gon' light it up Like it's dynamite! 'Cause I told you once Now I told you twice We gon' light it up Like it's dynamite! I came to move, move, move, move Get out the way me and my crew, crew, crew, crew I'm in the club so I'm gonna do, do, do, do Just drop the phone, came here to do, do, do, do
Ye, ye
Cause it goes on and on and on And it goes on and on and on
I throw my hands up in the air sometimes Saying AYO! Gotta let go! I wanna celebrate and live my life Saying AYO! Baby, let's go!
I'm gonna take it all out I'm gonna be the last one standing I'm alone and all I I'm gonna be the last one landing 'Cause I, I, I Believe it And I, I, I I just want it all, I just want it all I'm gonna put my hands in the air Hands in the air Put your hands in the air Like it's dynamite.
darn right.life now phase mantra.
Let's get it rolling. Let's have some fun,tease a little, hair flying over the shoulder a tad, remember with us, it's always one step forward two steps back. RIGHT MELODY HUANG? ((: remember what we said.
okay, im off to KL , morning flight with my laopa.