all these young little things tempting all the sweet old kitties.
yawns, gotta sleep, damn facebook, ive been trying to upload photos for the past two hours. it doesnt work.
im just going to SLEEP.
I also want those feeelings, those feelings that keep you awake at night cause your smiling too hard , then when you finally fall asleep, you are dreaming about the same thing, over and over again, waking up with the first thought being just that, and you smile wide, cause you feel like if only you can wake up like that every morning, you'll always be happy.
SO TIRED SO SMASHED I AM GG TO SLEEP (; I am still obsessed over beancurd. Sigh something is wrong with me haha! Im gg to sleep but after i watched the new episodes of How I met your mother & The big bang theory! btw, last night was fun, random but fun. And I did something random too, so random i am embarrassed. But! Its alright, I am in my cave hahaha. Goodnight lovelies.
I am back after 7 days of exploring the land of smiles as much as i can. And I am damn roasted, think i might be the darkest ever. I dont quite like it though. hahaha alrighty love, i am beyond , tired. Am going to knock out now. my family miss me, they so sweet. hahaha
ookok , xx.
Anyways, check out this website , It's Singapore's very own fashion community. Pretty cool stuffies, so go check it out.
So this time, I am only going about 1000 miles away, it's alright, never too far. good night spent with the boys, funny shit as usual, we laugh we argue we eat we love. if only we didnt need anyone else aye. we would be so happy just staying together.
Im not the kind of girl that has it all, im not even the kind that looks good when i wake up, i dont have the perfect body, neither do i have the perfect face, im not super smart either . I'm just simple & ordinary. but you know what? Someone someday is going to see me as extraordinary, perfectly imperfect.
And that, is enough to make me happy.
tata lovers, i'll see you when i get back. (:
Time to tell me the truth To burden your mouth for what you say No pieces of paper in the way
'Cause I can't continue pretending to choose These opposite sides on which we fall The loving you laters if at all No right minds could wrong, be this many times
My memory is cruel I'm queen of attention to details Defending intentions if he fails
Until now, he told me her name It sounded familiar in a way That I could have sworn I'd heard him say it Ten thousand times, oh, if only I had been listening
Leave unsaid, unspoken Eyes wide shut, unopened You and me always between the lines Between the lines
I thought I, thought I was ready to bleed That we'd move from the shadows on the wall Stand in the center of it all
Too late, two choices, to stay or to leave Mine was so easy to uncover He'd already left with the other So I learned to listen through silence
Leave unsaid, unspoken Eyes wide shut, unopened You and me always be You and me always be
I tell myself all the words he surely meant to say I'll talk until the conversation doesn't stay on Wait for me, I'm almost ready when he meant let go
Leave unsaid, unspoken Eyes wide shut, unopened You and me always be You and me always between the lines Between the lines, between the lines
You & Me , always between the lines. Sorry love, you can run and hide all you want. my emotions were raw and put out right infront of you. you need to fight , if not, get out of my face. Not again, nope. Fumble no more. What am i holding onto? nothing. just the fear of getting out.
I think i got fatter. And i am a bit depressed but whatever. I am hitting the gyms again now that time is all I have ( well technically speaking, for a couple weeks , but time is for me to find. ) So no carbs diet starts now, no rice no pasta . (:
Anyways I want my bod to be like hers.
That is if, I can grow like another 10 cm and toned up so much more. I think her bod is great. Not too skinny not too toned. Just right. her back is so sex too btw. Thats my opinion.
okay I miss some of my kitties. besides that, i am gg to slack my life away for a while.
Steve Aoki Night.
freaking funny photo no!???!
extra looove.
People: Melly loy, Jeronme goh, ivan phua , adam ong , nicolas , alex lim, sherry naomi, yours truly, Amanda ho.
Location: High up there somewhere.
That night was crazy. The amount of shit we consume was outrageous no wonder everyone was pissed hahaha. But it was good, seeing people, catching up, looking pretty, dressing up, talking , crying , laughing , hugging, hahaha lying!, pretending to be someone else. We did all we all dream of doing. We talk shit like never and hahaha I think my alter ego was shit funny, think I was kept at home slogging books for far toooo long. I say , for all the extra drama mama juice, we were living our lives. Met whats his name too, oh right, M.
Okay, Im off to the gym to jiggle off fats and hopefully see that yummy handsome sweet young thang I saw at the gym last friday. He's downright goodlooking (:
I see your face in my mind as I drive away, Cause none of us thought it was gonna end that way. People are people, And sometimes we change our minds. But its killing me to see you go after all this time.
Music starts playin like the end of a sad movie, Its the kinda ending you dont really wanna see. Cause its tragedy and itll only bring you down, Now I dont know what to be without you around.
And we know its never simple, Never easy. Never a clean break, noone here to save me. Youre the only thing I know like the back of my hand, And I cant, Breathe, Without you, But I have to, Breathe, Without you, But I have to.
Never wanted this, never wanna see you hurt. Every little bump in the road I tried to swerve. But people are people, And sometimes it doesnt work out, Nothing we say is gonna save us from the fall out.
And we know its never simple, Never easy. Never a clean break, no one here to save me. Youre the only thing I know like the back of my hand, And I cant, Breathe, Without you, But I have to, Breathe, Without you, But I have to.
Its two a.m. Feelin' like I just lost a friend. Hope you know its not easy, Easy for me. Its two a.m. Feelin like I just lost a friend. Hope you know this aint easy, Easy for me.
And we know its never simple, Never easy. Never a clean break, noone here to save me.
I cant, Breathe, Without you, But I have to, Breathe, Without you, But I have to.
My mind can't really fathom what happened or what was it all about, perhaps it was nothing, perhaps was something so much more that my mind just automatically blocks it off. But, with us, its always extremes, middle ground? I hope to find. if not, i should just learn, should have, a long time ago.
I am donnnne. done with exams done done done done. I AM SO HAPPY. (: i walked out of the exams hall, with a damn big grin on my face, plastered there. spoke to my favourite lecturer, ran the hallways, hahaha scream a bit, and feel super happy. I dont know about the rest, cause it is a big deal for me, a achievement for me. It wasnt like, i just wanted to get it over and done with. It was something I am glad I have done, and finished and am super duper proud of. And I dont care, what you say, but i am happy and proud and happy.
I cannot wait to go out tomorrow, I havent been out for a month plus, studying all day all night. Anyways! (:
Sherry took me out today. She so sweet, give me sunflower and a graduation bear. First we went for some makeup body awareness , which was awesome, then after which, did manicure, had marche , watched the back up plan, went shopping. I got me self a new ring new necklace new specs new stud (:
Tomorrow , Zouk! Steve Aoki, with a few of my favourite people ever in the world. I cannot wait, it's like my early graduation party. Before I get my results.
Anyways, The skys the limit now.
Random updates on the people in my lifeeeee. Kevin's coming back soon ! 25 th May 2010 Did i ever mention that Melody loy been attached for half a year and counting? That Ivan did his attachment at Universal studios? How cool is that. That Jeronme & Adam are going to army like super soon? That Michelle Tay is going to university? That Melo is doing well in her work? That lizzy and sherry are gg to start school soon! Whats his name in army also.
Anyways. And I am done with school, at least not for another 2 - 3 years.Happy me.
(: Ollie's 21'st birthday.
miss u people too! xxxx f , 4.
Every girl needs a man; the kind that will treat you right as well as others; the kind that has enough respect for himself, family, and others; The kind that searches for you with his heart, the kind that can be trusted alone with a room full of many other beautiful ladies, the kind that won’t cheat on you cause he knows he’s got all he wants and needs already, the kind that’s willing to be your friend and lover,
The kind that doesn’t mind calling early in the morning to say good morning and late at night to say good night; maybe even sing you a good morning and tell you a good night story or talk to you until you fall asleep. That kind that will do anything for you, even if it’s just to buy your favorite kind of candy. The kind that will defend and fight for you, the kind that won’t ditch you for his friends when you need him the most, the kind that won’t leave you lonely and wondering. The kind that isn’t afraid to smile to his friends every time you’re around and tell them, “She’s the one.” The kind that appreciates you for the things to do for him, even if they’re small gestures. The kind that actually thanks you for the little love notes you leave him, the kind that is willing to wait for you when you’re falling behind, the kind that will actually open the door for you, take you out on dates once in a while and buy you flowers cause it’s a Wednesday. The kind that notices your hair when you just got it cut or done beautifully for him, the kind that reminds you that he loves you and that he’s happy with you in case you forget. The kind that kisses your forehead when you’re down, the kind that tells you to be strong and not to cry, the kind that will go through think and thin with, and for you, the kind that just loves you for who you are. That kind of man, that’s the kind you keep.
That's the kind, thats the kind you should be waiting for . Mandy.
I was so unique Now I feel skin deep I count on the make-up to cover it all Crying myself to sleep cause I cannot keep their attention I thought I could be strong But it's killing me
Does someone hear my cry? I'm dying for new life
I want to be beautiful Make you stand in awe Look inside my heart, and be amazed I want to hear you say Who I am is quite enough Just want to be worthy of love And beautiful
Sometimes I wish I was someone other than me Fighting to make the mirror happy Trying to find whatever is missing Won't you help me back to glory
I want to be beautiful Make you stand in awe Look inside my heart, and be amazed I want to hear you say Who I am is quite enough Just want to be worthy of love And beautiful
You make me beautiful You make me stand in awe You step inside my heart, and I am amazed I love to hear You say Who I am is quite enough You make me worthy of love and beautiful.
Isnt all these what almost every woman feel? Been reading a book called Captivating. About how we all put up walls , hide ourselves away from the world. how men stop fighting for us, how they immediately back off when they feel too close, making us feel like its our fault... that something is wrong with us, i know i have, felt that way before. Well beside that, the book is amazing, a great book, everyone should read it. Anyways! Gotta go study!
It's like a moment i've been subconsciously been waiting for. at the back of my mind all the time but never surfacing enough for me to evaluate. hahahaha i cannot try to fathom it now but i will after tomorrow. (:
let's go let's go! I shall not get depressed from a much routine-d lifestyle lately. I will get to do whateeeveeeeeer i want soon. the sky's the limit. (:
remember, never be an Option. be, the choice made. never, second best.
You see, to me he was like seasons. Ever changing, but constant, always there. But for him, I was just a summer romance, a fleeting moment in the nightsky, just like a shooting star. X
So what if I came clean, and told you all you mean to me, so what if I meant every word I said, baby don't let it go to your head
So what if I write your name, cause you're always on my brain, in a heart I paint in crimson red, baby dont let it go to your head Dont be getting any big ideas, let me make it clear
Just cause I cant go on, just cause I die when ur gone, and just cause I think of you in bed, dont let it go to your head, if I dim your eyes, one too, too many times, analyse every word you said, dont let it go to your head, oh oh, don't let it go to your head
So what if I want to kiss, from your toes up to your lips, it don't mean that you have me yet, youre gonna be good out of bed, I'm the one who's in control here, let me make it clear
Just cause I cant go on, just cause I die when ur gone, just cause I think of you in bed, dont let it go to your head, if I dim your eyes, one too, too many times, analyse, every word you said, dont let it go to your head, dont let it go to your head, oh oh
Now you think you got me Well im gonna get you Now you think you can touch me Well im gonna let you
Just cause I cant go on, just cause I die when ur gone, j ust cause I think of you in bed, dont let it go to ur head Just cause I cant go on Just cause I die when ur gone Just cause I think of you in bed, dont let it go to your head, if I dim your eyes, one too,too many times, analyse every word you said, dont let it go to your head, dont let it go to your head.
darn it right so!
Today i broke a bowl, for the first time, scared the shit outta me, i actually jumped. and i cut my elbow, booooohoooo. & i drank a venti vanilla , had my raspberry chai tea, and ate my favourite blueberry muffin from my favourite place, starbucks, noo i am not slacking, i was studying. Anywwaaaaaaaaaysssssss, i love living in my little mellowed down bubble. im sucha boring bum now, oh welllllssssss. was thinking today, if nothing in your life happens, you got nothing to talk about, no present to talk about , just always the past, thats why, things needa happen, so you stop harping on the past.
and i am going to run Shape's marathon. hahahahahahahah