Sunday, September 20, 2009

Brighter then sunshine.

Of love with city love and to our love,
Mixed with aromas of food , of miss bellydancer piglet,
Of glasses clinking ,
Drinking up to Kings,
Of joy of laughter & giggles ,
Serenading with voices of angels , sings along,
Of fluttering of eyes of pumping heart, of rushing blood,
Joys of pretty ladies left & right ,
Of cute boys down & up.
Best thing is, the bonds that are intertwined deep within.
Oh Life, is good.
This is Life.


Pss: These are the reasons why I enjoy being one. It only takes less then 24 hours to flutter, or perhaps I'm too set in my ways. After all, two years is pretty darn long.

xoxo mandy.

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