*As i struggle to break free to step out to take the first step again to open again to all the many firsts , i am being subtlety reminded of all the what could have been what used to be what we both were all about . i see all the potential in you and i am upset that you arent there yet , but perhaps , for a fact, its such a big difference that it isnt the same potential anymore. i wish you put your heart out there to things that really matters, if you open your eyes carefully, you will realize the wrongs you been doing or perhaps the good you could be doing , the effect you cause by just your doings , your silly concoction in your head , ideas i do not know where you get from, to come to use to distaste me. why cant you just accept what happened between us and move past it? even if one day you were to lose your memory, there is still no denying what happened in the past. it doesnt have to hold you down, but to admit it was there, it happened, things happened, we happened, its important. Thats why, its important who you choose to give a piece of yourself too, because, you can never ever get it back. Memories forged, names carved into backlogs and forever.. it will etched.
you broke me, why do i feel responsible for all of this then? why do i feel like its the other way around? why do i feel as though you are punishing me for all i did, when all i did was to give and love.
too long for the memories to stick, only fleeting moments of remembrance.